Sharing the joy of a pregnancy brings friends and loved ones close.
It’s a time to celebrate!
But . . . those feelings of joy can be dimmed by morning sickness. The mom-to-be can’t help but focus on the nausea dragging her down. The vomiting that often comes with nausea piles ick on top of ick.
There are things you can do to help.
Stock her freezer with meals. Even if she’s unable to eat most of them, her SO and the kids in the house will love it. If they love it, she’ll love it.
Get her favorite flavor of Popsicle® and maybe some bland crackers — anything that doesn’t make her groan and run for the bathroom.
Run errands for her. It’s hard to muster energy to grocery shop or go to the mall when morning sickness is your constant companion.
Put together a care package of travel-size toothbrushes, mouthwash, wet wipes, barf bags, bottled water, and maybe some mints for those times she’s away from home and her morning sickness is right there with her.
Pick up something outrageously adorable for baby. It’ll be a reminder of the end game:)
And finally, or perhaps it should be first, get mom-to-be a Reliefband to quell the nausea and vomiting. Then perhaps all this other stuff won’t be necessary, and you can all simply celebrate for nine months!
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