
Ski Lifts, Elevators, And Motion Sickness, Oh My!

Ski Lifts, Elevators, And Motion Sickness, Oh My!

Motion sickness happens when one part of your body senses that you’re moving, and another part of your body does not sense movement.

Symptoms may include nausea, cold sweats, vomiting, and possibly a headache. It’s never fun.

For instance, when you’re riding in an elevator your inner ear senses movement, but your eyes don’t see any movement. Some people will feel nauseated when they get off the elevator. Motion sickness.

Or for those particularly sensitive to motion sickness, riding an escalator can cause problems. The eyes see movement, but the inner ear says we’re holding still. Nausea may ensue during or after the ride.

Ski lifts are similar to escalators – our eyes see that we’re moving, but our inner ear says we’re not. That conflict causes us to experience motion sickness.

Some people are so sensitive, they can think about a time they had motion sickness and feel it all over again.

Then there are those lucky individuals who are never bothered by motion sickness. They can sit on their bunk below deck and read a book in the middle of a storm . . . while their boat moves up and down 20 foot waves and not feel a hint of nausea.


Most of us will feel motion sickness given the right circumstances, and many of us feel it with annoying frequency.

The good news is you don’t have to be at the mercy of your senses. Reliefband® is drug-free wearable tech that stops the symptoms of motion sickness before they can start.

Slip it on, and go live your life.

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