
Holiday Travel And Motion Sickness

Holiday Travel And Motion Sickness

Holiday travel is coming up and you’re dreading it. Not because Uncle Jimmy’s going to eat too much and sprawl all over the couch, but because you suffer from wicked motion sickness and the journey is not going to be fun.

We have some tips to help you navigate a puke-free path to your destination. Hang in there, we will get you to mom’s mincemeat pie!

First, if you don’t already have one, get a Reliefband®; put it on your wrist and turn it on before traveling. This device will change your world.

Don’t take our word for it, check out what Reliefband® users have to say.

Other actions you can take to help alleviate the nausea include:

  • Keep your eyes on what’s happening outside the car/train/plane. Do not read a book or watch movies on your e-device.
  • Direct airflow toward your face. A fresh, gentle breeze helps. Any cool air coming from the ventilation system will do, as long as it’s not smelly.
  • No greasy, heavy meals before or during the trip. If you need to eat, make it something light and not spicy. Water is good to drink, but no sugary or acidic beverages.
  • If there’s room, stretch out and take a nap. Snooze your way through to your destination.

With a little planning and your Reliefband® on your wrist, you will survive the journey in fine form, and possibly even beat Uncle Jimmy to the couch for a post-dinner nap.

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